Originally Posted by RockyRaab
That is precisely my point, Jim: Humans deify EVERYTHING. Gods and religion are simply madeup superstition from the time when Og couldn't understand why his children died or even why it rained. There had to be something invisible that controlled it all. Hence, gods.

Then some clever villager realized that if he declared himself the only emissary that could talk to those gods, he could be as powerful as the village chief. And presto there were priests and their contrived version of reality/religion.

I'm a Christian, but the reason I know for a fact that what you say is not true is:
1) paganism in a variety of forms is exploding in the educated west. I'm not talking about stupid people. I'm talking about very, very educated people who are going all in. It is not some fashion fade. It's exploding.
2) the supernatural is very real. just because you have not seen it does not mean others have not.