Well, I'm going to throw my .02 worth in this discussion.....

Rocky, you asked Tyrone to prove his statements.... you prove yours! Both of you are just repeating what you've read or been told. Both of you, as I understand it, have valid points and some of what both of you stated is probably right. Me, I don't have the answers and as far as being a Christian is concerned, it doesn't matter. Either you believe or you don't.... simple as that.

And, while we're on the subject, this statement is a fact.... 'Religions are man made'. Christian religions came from people reading the same Bible and interpreting what they read differently. And there was enough difference in the interpretations that they formed different religions.

What a lot of people do not realize is that the Bible tells us 'not to judge'. That's God's job. My job is to 'witness and bear fruit', and I have my hands full, just doing that.

Another thing, lots of people think to 'witness and bear fruit', you have to go around banging on doors, or telling people how good you are and how bad they are, or telling people what they should do, and that is wrong. Witnessing can be just living a good life, setting good examples for younger people, and helping others when they are in need. You'd be surprised how impressionable young people are and how much they see and learn from grownups. I didn't say support the lazy, like our government does, there is a big difference.

I could say more, but then I'd be preaching and that is not my intent.

Again, just my .02.

Old Turd- Deplorable- Unrepentant Murderer- Domestic Violent Extremist

Just "Campfire Riffraff and Trash"

This will be my last post! Flave 1/3/21