Originally Posted by RockyRaab
Tell me, Tyrone - what part of what I wrote isn't factual? And how do you know?

Originally Posted by Tyrone
We have the Dead Sea Scrolls which are nearly word-for-word compared to most modern translations.

And, the New American Standard Bible is as much a word-for-word translation as is possible given the limits of ancient vocabulary and is based off of some of the oldest copies of Biblical books such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The actual canon was decided at the Council of Rome in 382AD.
If you want more detail on this huge subject, it's going to take a book. I suggest "Where We Got the Bible" by Graham https://www.amazon.com/Where-Bible-...mp;qid=1596735129&s=books&sr=1-2 or, for more modern language, "The Bible is a Catholic Book" by Akin https://www.amazon.com/Bible-Catholic-Book-Jimmy-Akin/dp/168357141X

Sorry, but it's a big subject and there's no way I can do it justice in one post. I find it's better to learn about a subject rather than be like a Democrat and just have a childish, ignorant view.

Politics is War by Other Means