Originally Posted by jaguartx
Richard, just a wife is to support her husband and be a helpmate to him that he can do what GOD appointed him to and to become one with him as man needs a helpmate and partner to help him reduce the risk of prostate cancer and bear and take care of the children and to impart in them love and compassion and teach them the workings of the Christian family structure and the proper worship of GOD and to follow right from wrong that they will learn from example and be responsible adults that will help the Christian nation thrive and survive against the satanic forces against it that are at this time bringing this once Christian nation down.

The Christian wife is half of Christian children and necessary for the survival of a nation that is to be blessed by GOD Almighty.

Jag, how many times have you been married?

The woman is supposed to serve as your semen spitoon, just to lower your chance of prostate cancer????

WTF, Were you born without a right hand?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.