Originally Posted by jaguartx
WTH, unbelievers? I started an entire freaking thread for you guys re THERE IS NO GOD.

What the heck is wrong you cant all get on there and argue all your points proving to each other how smart you are and leave us believers alone to discuss the merits of the scriptures in the video. Hell no. All you unbelievers have to get on the thread with the believers as stir crap.

Youre like a bunch of lieberal Californians moving to Texas and telling us how we don't need any guns and how the cops will take care of us dumb hicks? Are the believers flocking to the thread trying to prove the unbeliever who wasca paster is wrong and you are crazy hayseeds for believing him?

Like i said, just like a bunch of bleck boys cant stay in their sand hill. The gotta come over and start crap in the cracker kids sandhill.

You suckers just cant refrain from threads discussing anything about Jesus Christ, can you. At least be men enough to admit it. Its like its an innate desire to know truth even though you play devils advocate.

The unbeliever thread just isnt interesting is it.

Yep, trying Satans trick of running us underground, just like Newsome in California.

You start a thread about an ethereal being transporting across the universe just to fornicate with some lowly animal creature (Eve). Akin to me rowing a boat to Arabia so I could screw a goat. Or Zeuz coming to Earth and fathering a race of Centaurs from a mare.

And you are shocked when folks gather to mock?

What's next? The Grinch buggers Mrs Clause..........and the elves pull a train while she's indisposed?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.