Originally Posted by Tyrone
Consistent Message - containing theological ideas compatible with other accepted Christian writings (incl. the divinity and humanity Jesus).

The matter of the divinity and humanity of
Jesus was decided in 325 by a very close ballot,
which involved vote stacking, bribery, threats and
and intimidation.

Who in their right mind would consider the
result credible?

Originally Posted by antlers
.. Regardless, what we have now was put
together by a bunch of 4th century guys who were
trying to cobble together something that would suit an
Emperor who was establishing a State Religion. Did
God watch over that and make sure that we have what
He wanted us to have...?

Council of Rome 382 had about as much integrity
in the process as that dogs breakfast at Nicaea 325.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.