We are experiencing drought conditions here. The snowpack is well below average and we have had an exceptionally dry spring. There are lakes and ponds which are dry now and have not been dry at any time over the last 35 years. Went to have a look at one lake the other day and it is 25 feet below normal spring levels. On the bright side, I may be able to access high elevations. I can plan for hunting season since I can't participate in any shooting competitions this year. If getting vaccinated would mean we could open our range to competition again, that would make another argument in favour.
Regarding the vaccines, I concur that the vaccine will protect the recipient from serious symptoms. I do not accept that it provides any protection whatsoever to others. In addition, if a person is vaccinated, he or she has nothing to fear from people who are not vaccinated. Now, we are planning to vaccinated kids from 12 to 17. This is a group for which the incidence of serious illness, indeed, any illness at all, is virtually nil yet we are rushing to give them a shot. This, instead of providing the booster shot to those who may be at risk, by the way. The handling of the pandemic, a pandemic which should never have happened, has been half-assed at best; at every level. GD