Originally Posted by downwindtracker2
For context, in the six years of World War Two we had over 44,000 dead. In one year of this pandemic we have had over .25,000. True, a lot were sick and old . But that doesn't mean they weren't a loss.

Who isn't tired of the restrictions ? I look forward to taking my wife out for dinner. I think I owe at least six dinners. But the restrictions worked in BC. The circuit breaker helped bring the daily new cases down by about 1/2.

funny how a border affects the amount of people who get and die of covid.

Funny you should compare your virtue signaling "sacrifices" with Canadians during ww 2. Of c course not one mention of the thousands and thousands of Canadian businesses and families destroyed by the covid scare and govt manipulation of data.

Can you provide the stats of Canadians who died of strokes, cancer, overdoses, alcoholism, heart disease in 2020? lol

Last edited by ribka; 05/23/21.