Originally Posted by kamo_gari
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
What did you guys do....sneak onto a Hampshire farm and start killing pigs?

All I know is that we piled off a truck driven by a madman and then chased a pack of mean dogs through a bunch of tangled tunnels made of evil thorns and stickers for what seemed like a mile, ducked in half or on hands and knees. When we got caught up to the evil hounds and everything looked right, the south Texas pork pokin' commenced. I was still picking the tips of thorns out of my hide 6 months later. Good eating, those buggers.

Translated into white guy speak as........buncha jackwagons snuck into the barn and started stabbing pigs in the farrowing crates.

They they thought to open the crates and turn the dogs out.....

I am MAGA.