Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by BigDave39355
Don’t forget psychological!

You forgot Pathological. And Diabolical! 🤪

Couldn’t make this schitt up if we tried. 😂l

I’m guessing the next Epic Meltdown and UnaBomber Manifesto is forth coming.

Mom forgot to put grind up all the drugs and slip it in his Jello Pudding. And now ole Scooter is off his Psychotropic Meds thinking he’s “normal”. 🤪

Now he’s Added: EF Hutton Financial Adviser to his long Fake Resume of Master Pro Elk Guide, B&C Elk Scorer, Golf Range Driving Pro Long Range Champ, World Class News Reporter,

And of course, the only trophy he’s actually won, Biggest Campfire Liar ! 😂😂😂

Wind him up and watch the Little Window Licking Retard Blow.
Only a matter of time.

Here’s the little fellow winding down:

ROFLMAO....sonofabitch regurgitates the same thing over and over and over....It's that 75 I.Q. governor on his brain that's keeping him from showing his real vast knowledge to you guys. ROFLMAO

He keeps the above saved on a word doc, obviously, and just copy / pastes it...maybe changing a word or two, but basically same content. LMAO.

^^^^^^^^ DEEP thinker.

I guess by me pointing out all he eats is frozen dinners, and he can't cook set him off.

LMAO....on a hunting forum, and he doesn't even know how to cook himself a good balanced meal.

Frozen dinners, and peanut butter....ROFLMAO

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)