Originally Posted by chlinstructor
He’s busy in his cut & paste War Room, Composing the next UniBomber Manifesto and searching the Fire for any tiny tidbit he can use against us in the idiotic rambling diatribes he posts.
He really got me with his zinger about TV dinners and Peanut Butter last night.
The sad part is that the Delusional little POS actually believes he’s “winning” in his little pea brain.

Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Only crackers here are the fancy mini’s like Ritz or the Vegan Lover’s no gluten crap. No Saltines.
Hardly any peanut butter either. Had to buy one of those new fancy squeeze tubes of Jiff Creamy. Looks like a giant tube of tooth paste. And a lot higher price per ounce, too.

Originally Posted by chlinstructor
The Frozen Dinner Cases here are slim pickens, Sam.
Especially the “good” stuff.
And only the cheapest and flimsiest styles of paper plates.
I hate washing dishes, so I eat nearly everything I cook on paper plates. Hate those cheap ass flimsy bastards.

Crackers, Peanut Butter, Frozen meals, and Paper plates = Broke Dic.

Tell us more about this big farm you are farming, and the ‘ole “Big Expensive / High Horsepower Auto-driving tractor and equipment”, Mr. Peanut Butter. The equipment you refuse to tell the Year / Model/ HP of the tractor or pictures of it, and the supposed 40 foot plow.

People who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in farming equipment, and the budget to maintain it don’t eat like “poor” college kids: peanut butter, crackers, frozen meals, paper plates.

There’s always something needed repairing on a farm or ranch, and chores to do. There’s no way in hell you have time to spend even half a day on the internet, much less all day, like you do the majority of the time and operate a farm too.

Oh, and yeah, I'm "winning" with the "facts" , and using "your own words" to prove it.

Tractor: Year / Model / HP ??????? Pictures of tractor showing model ???????????????......CRICKETS

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)