Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by renegade50
You are a loser who lives with mom.
Who has never killed an elk...
And you are a product of the welfare system.
Thats about it.....

Only a severely mentally sick person would post regurgitated lies like you do with zero verifiable proof to support your position.
Hey, where is your evidence to prove I plagiarized my 32% thread, and 2A thread you repeatedly stated I did?
See, I just proved once more you are a pathological liar, being you have had weeks to prove, with evidence, what you claim, when you have the internet at your finger tips to acquire it, yet, nada, zilch.....because you're a loser, a pathological lying loser.

CRICKETS This cyberstalker refuses to back his pathological lying with evidence.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)