Originally Posted by renegade50
Who are these members on here whom you have claimed to have shown your pictures too????
Why ain't they coming forward to prove us wrong and prove you right????
Let me geuss you told your boys on here you can handle things on your own and they dont need to involve themselves right???

They, nor I, owe you squat to prove I am who I say I am, and only a severely mentally deranged psycho, like you, would think they or I do.

You're nothing but a assembly of Pixels on a screen to me, clown, nothing more. You have clearly demonstrated, for the world to see, you have mental issues, and your immature continual cyberstalking of me proves it while you repeatedly regurgitate your pathological lies.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)