Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Any man that is willing to rethink his position and modify it to align with the reality is alright by me. Doc gave us his opinion regarding a novel virus and did so without malice as a way to benefit the campfire. Like the world over so too goes the campfire. 2/3 of the people will almost blindly follow the rest of the flock if being led by someone they “trust” while the other third will never join the flock because they are totally different animals. Those that were predisposed to being part of the flock were willing to assign value to the words and opinions of those they trust ie doctors, politicians and MSM if those words allowed them to join the flock 😁.The problems in this psyop are many but a couple of the biggest takeaways for me were how fast the flock was willing to turn on its own and turn on its lifeline and how easily fooled many in positions of power and trust were. Analyzing and giving credibility to bullshit data leads to giving incorrect bullshit answers…..even the best of men were fooled and unknowingly used by our rulers. I hope that the next time they will be more suspicious of their “trusted” colleagues and less willing to regurgitate the propaganda.

The information gathered by this psyop will allow them to fine tune their next attack. Our suspicions and “paranoia” are great weapons for them to use against us in their next attack. We HAVE to take great pains to insure that we analyze and evaluate each attack without the prejudice of our prior experience while allowing those experiences to inform our current assessments.

If we get to choose teams I’d choose Doc and rest easy knowing that I was in capable hands.


Thank God for knee jerk reactions driven by emotion.

Where would we be without them?

Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house