Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
So Idaho Shooter, just to set the record straight.

Pretend you are the business owner. I am your employee. I have busted my ass for your company for 18 years. You decide to buy into the kung flu bullshît and say everyone needs to get the jab and mask up to keep working for your company or you are fired. Even though there were no vaccine prereq's when you hired me. It's cool to fire me if I don't get the jab?

Would it be ok to fire me if you found out my grandfather was jewish? Black? What if I decided after a couple failed marriages I was gay, but never divulged that in the workplace, but one of my coworkers saw a social media post and told the rest of the shift?

If you are ok with all I said above, yet pound the union drum, then I am truly baffled.

The question is, "Are you truly a conservative?" Your business, your rules......or not?
Should you be forced to bake that wedding cake for those queers? Your business, your rules......or not?

Who pushed for and got all those anti discrimination laws passed? It was not the conservatives.

Vaccine mandates in the workplace? Solely a question of economics when the employer is dealing with absenteeism, paying sick leave, and paying the hospital bills.

How about the employer offer a choice? Give up all your benefits and he does not care if you are vaxxed or not? Of course he still has to pay overtime for someone else to cover your shift when you are out sick.

The bottom line, That is all water under the bridge. Covid is OVER. There is zero reason for anyone to take a vaxx today, or demand an employee to be vaxxed today. This entire discussion is moot. The covid vaxx will not protect any of us from the next superbug which will inevitably be released.

Then we can all go to war against each other again as we decide whether or not that one is real, or if we wish to opt for the meager protection our medical practitioners might offer us.

I didn't say anything in my post was right or wrong. Just asking if you support that. Your business, you reserve the right to hire and fire. Yes or No? Not asking for your definition of conservative or non.

Can you wear your union hat, and type that an employer has the right to fire an employee for not getting the jab, when they were hired with no vaccine prerequisite.