Originally Posted by DocRocket
Originally Posted by Skankhunt42
Originally Posted by Fubarski
Nother example of brilliance, you fools:

Originally Posted by DocRocket
I'm not convinced the cost-benefit relationship of ivermectin justifies its use yet.


Ouch...? Not hardly.

Mr. Fubarski has spent a lot of time and effort going back to find things I wrote in the past, then bringing them up without mention of the date the statement was written, nor the context of the statement. Without these things, the "quote" is of questionable value in the discussion. If he was an honest person and interested in furthering the discussion rather than "scoring points" in his mind and with his fans here on the 'Fire, he would provide these pieces of information. Perhaps you could ask him to do so.

While you're at it, you could ask Mr. Fubarski to provide the post number (for instance, yours is #17206312), so you could go back and read the post being cited, so you could read the full context of the comment. Also, that way you could be sure that he didn't "accidentally" change it when he edited the full post so that it says something very different than the author (me) meant when it was written. Such things have been known to happen, and Mr. Fubarski knows it full well.

Now, let's look at this specific "quote". I'm confident that the date had to be some time before July, 2021, because my colleagues and I in our ER started prescribing Ivermectin in quantity then. We did so after our hospital's Infectious Disease specialists and our own ER medical director had done an exhaustive literature search and had amassed a large enough body of evidence to justify its use on the basis of the available published literature. Prior to that, there was a lot of controversy in the literature about the use of Ivermectin, not because of its safety (it was clearly safe, with billions of doses safely prescribed and administered since its introduction decades ago), but because its benefits in treatment of CoV2 was not proven. (Moreover: prior to that, I and the rest of my colleagues were loath to prescribe it because threats against our licenses had been made at the level of the Texas Medical Board and the state Pharmacy Board if we prescribed it.)

So before you start feeling too bad about my "ouchie" here, give that some consideration.

While it's true I don't know the context of which your statement was said what got me was the "cost-benefit" statement. What was the cost (almost nothing, price or adverse affects)? There was absolutely no reason not to try Ivermectin, even if there were no studys proving it worked (by the powers that be).