Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by efw
Oh man not you too… toots and burns are understandable but I’ve always respected you as reasonable.

I can oppose the Russian and Biden at the same time. Sure the Ukrainians are not perfect, but between them and the Russians they're the lesser of two evils.

Eehh.... fine line there, the friend of my enemy typically isnt my friend.

Actual civilian population? itsa coin toss. Although Ukie women have a slight edge.
Leadership? Ive seen/ heard just enough about the comedian, coupled with the fact that he sucks bidens ass .... I'll take Puty, at least he is a know quantity....and he's anti globohomowuhanlab. Bristoe said it best a few days back.

Our money going there? .... its the reason I'm cheering for Puty, They'll have to set up shop somewhere else and hopefully they are under enough scrutiny that theres a trail this time.

.... like tears in the rain