Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Morris is a retard and has been spouting Orc agitprop for the entire war.

Always wrong but never in doubt.

I guess we'll see eventually.

But the whole concept of Ukraine defeating Russia has always seemed very shaky to me. Russia is a world power. Ukraine is basically a failed state.

Of course, Ukraine is getting tons of support from the U.S. Government. But it's not going to be enough by itself. Ukraine will need a U.S. coalition of troops on the ground if Russia decides to pull out all the stops.

If Russia is indeed working to evacuate ethnic Russians out of Kherson (and reports seem to indicate that that's the case) it's a bad sign for Ukraine.

Pretty much agree but nobody figured on the fighting spirit of the Ukraine and the corruption of the Orcs.

That and there won't be US boots doing any fighting. Ukraine has that handled.

If ethnic Russians want to leave Kherson or any where else in Ukraine they should leave. After this war is over there will always be a buring hatred for the invaders and any who supported them.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.