I think if everyone just looked around,they would find the modern day guru's of hunting,every bit as good as the names of old, that never typed or wrote a word in there life,just did and do it.I know a couple,one that taught JO a few tricks but he passed on last summer..

Then there is my good ole buddy that raised horses in the hills and baked at the local grocery store that forgot more about Elk hunting than most know..But he road his Stud horse into a bar one night and got arrested so he probably forgot about hunting,atleast that night.They had to take the cuffs off him for an hour to take care of his stud because know one could control it other than him..

There is still a bunch of old timers out there with knowledge of the outdoors far and beyond most.Those are the ones you want to listen to,not the desk jockeys(laughing).
