Originally Posted by Berettasdad
I always say- better to be lucky than good. By the way JM- what is the retained energy of a .243 slug at 700 yards? Is that VLD an actual hunting type bullet? Just becasue you can does not mena you should. You can kill an elk with a .22LR- does not mean you should. LRH should read LRS- Long Range Shooting. It aint hunting, and I maintain it is irresponsible. I get kind of tired of people reading the ammunition box and figuring that is the velocity/drop they are going to actually see. I also get kind of tired of hunters claiming their 12+ pound rifle is a 'hunting' rifle. Of course if your ATV or pick up or a gunbearer carries it what matter.

11posts? Do you have rule book published to tell me how to hunt?

"What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." (Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Dec. 20, 1787)