Originally Posted by 40O

Here in Arizona it is the liberals that support rights without responsibility and the conservatives who hold that rights go hand in hand with responsibility.......

So, what do you hunters thing about the business that set up a remote controlled rifle with a camera on top that could be controlled from someone over the internet? Boy, can you imagine? Someone in China hits the space bar firing a rifle on the other side of the World!!!!! Now that�s long range keyboarding�I mean hunting�I mean shooting�.

As far as remote controlled rifles, that comparison is absurd. Remote-controlled rifles violate the basic tenets of firearms safety since the shooter isn't present and can't know what lies beyond the target.

As far as liberals/conservatives, from where I sit, the more relevant point is that liberals think there should be limits on things like how far one should shoot at game animals, etc., and conservatives would say that if the shooter can reliably make the shot then it's nobody else's business how far the shot is.

"Taking responsibility" means not taking a shot that's beyond your limitations, and by definition there cannot be one "responsible distance" that fits all. Who are you to argue with that, or to tell people what their own responsible distance is?

A wise man is frequently humbled.