You make a good point, Steve.

Most of the self-defense shootings info (non-LEO) I've been able to get my hands on shows that hitting the perp with one shot in the head or torso usually ends the encounter, irrespective of caliber or shot placement. But in those cases where the bad guy reallyreallyreally wants to keep on keepin' on, which are not uncommon, am I going to be satisfied with what "usually" works?

Solid high chest hits are almost invariably fatal and end the fight then and there. Usually. But one cop I know, in his first OIS, centerpunched the perp twice in the high chest with his .44 Mag. Dude was a dead man, but didn't know it, and kept coming. Cop gave him three more in the high chest, dude kept coming. Cop said, more or less, "Fornicate this!", elevated his POA and esploded the perp's brainpan. Since then, a la John Wesley Hardin, he has always shot people in the head.

FWIW, despite his disconcerting experience, he hasn't given up his Model 29 for a Ruger LCP. Just an observation.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars