Originally Posted by CrimsonTide
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
oh, yeah.....we shoot them from the levees with .22 mags and ARs but you have to be real careful about what's behind them.

some guys climb up in deer stands so they can shoot down and use .22-250s and blow them up all day. they're used to gunfire because of duck season so if it isn't on top of them they just keep doing what they're doing. doesn't seem to panic them when their buddy eating next to them vaporizes.

Now we're talking. How about a campfire Nutria Safari. I'll bring down an old .30-30 and a 5 gallon bucket of shells loaded with Sierra 125 grain HP's. That ought to be interesting.

was fishing today and one so big I thought it was a hog at first waddled down and slid into the bayou we were chunking baits into. by the time I could dig my Kimber out of my boat bag, he had swum clean our of sight around the bend.

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