Reading this thread and others like it reminds me that it's nice to know history; as the man said, "those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it."

What have we learned from this so that we don't repeat it?

The lesson I'm seeing is don't start a war with someone that can out produce you. Don't start a war with someone who has a better supply system than you.

But other than that, what? Don't have an economy based on slaves? Okay, let's promise not to do that again. Now, what else?

It's fun to rehash old battles with coulda, shoulda, woulda, next week let's refight Gallipolli and Agincourt. But you can't change history one tiny bit. Crying about it, wishing it were different, none of that does anything. Whatever actually happened, actually happened. You can change the future but the only time you have to do that is in the present. (deep thought right there - let's get back to that momentarily).

What I see as a major theme in all these CW, WONA, WBTS or other acronym threads is what a rotten deal the South got, and as an extension the entire country got. And everybody arguing that point wants everybody else to admit that the South was in the right and the North led by Mr. Lincoln was in the wrong. Okay, be it resolved - "The South Got A Rotten Deal!". The argument is settled once and for all. The South henceforth and forevermore held the political and moral High Ground of Freedom. Those rotten, despicable men from the North despoiled the highest achievement of genteel civilization that ever existed. Let's have a moment of silence for the shining glory that was the antebellum South. Good, glad we got that out of the way so we can quit rehashing it ad infinitum.

But, it's gone. Forever. Never to return. Hasn't existed for 150 years. Too bad. How long are we gonna cry over it?

Now we're here. 2015. What happened, happened, and we are where are are - economically, politically and socially. For better or worse, here we are.

So, what are we going to do now? What lessons from history have we learned that we can apply now to change the future?

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!