Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
No slam on that general American history book (got here already) in general but it states up front that Columbus was 'blinded by his greed for gold' and that he was eventually recalled in chains because his greed and brutality (it uses the word greed three separate times re: Columbus)...

"he grew more greedy for gold and more brutal in his treatment of the people he called Indians. His savagery eventually led the monarchy to have him arrested and returned to Spain in chains."

"Greed?" I woulda thought that in the Fifteenth Century one had damn better have a lucrative return on someone else's investment if they actually fronted you three ships and the crews to man 'em as well as thousands of men and more ships your next three go-rounds.

History back then was not at all kind to commoners who rose to enough national prominence to incite jealousy and make enemies. Hard for me to imagine the Spanish crown had him arrested merely for being brutal to Indians, unless they thought that impeded profits.
But, like I said, this is at the opening of the book and may not reflect the whole.


Anyways, might be true as written I guess, sure seems like projecting modern day values on 15th Century people.

It was due to his greed and incompetence as a governor of a colony, not as to his merit as an explorer/captain.

7. Columbus returned to Spain in chains in 1500.
Columbus’s governance of Hispaniola could be brutal and tyrannical. Native islanders who didn’t collect enough gold could have their hands cut off, and rebel Spanish colonists were executed at the gallows. Colonists complained to the monarchy about mismanagement, and a royal commissioner dispatched to Hispaniola arrested Columbus in August 1500 and brought him back to Spain in chains. Although Columbus was stripped of his governorship, King Ferdinand not only granted the explorer his freedom but subsidized a fourth voyage.


Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.