If you wouldn't mind taking the time to state the ways in which the following is incorrect? The aforementioned closing sentence of Chapter Six, on the composition of the US Constitution....

But the framers of the Constitution failed in one significant respect. In skirting the issue of slavery so as to cement the new union, they unknowingly allowed tensions over the "peculiar institution" to reach the point where there would be no political solution - only civil war.


That is their opinion and the opinion of only two historians, neither experts on the Civil War, in a GENERAL PURPOSE overview of US History.

The reasons for this slavery only theme being wrong has been hashed out and disproven all over this thread by multiple people from multiple sources. Rehashing it yet again for a true slavery believer like you is a waste of time.

Member: Clan of the Turdlike People.

Courage is Fear that has said its Prayers

�If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.� Ronald Reagan.