Originally Posted by Scotty

Back in the 70's I remember my American History textbook (went to school in Minnesota/or the North). In Junior High said that the cause of the Civil war was slavery and tariffs. When I got to high school the textbook was silent about the tariffs. I always thought it was interesting how my textbooks changed from 7th grade to 10th grade. Just an observation I notice in school how recorded history changed.

Changes like that are common in HS textbooks. I once saw a History text that was used in some districts in OH, PA, and NY that never mentioned anything about the Civil War but the cause was slavery and Lincoln saved everything in the section on the war.

There was no mention at all of Lee, Grant, Jackson, etc. Only a brief mention of Gettysburg focused almost entirely on Lincoln's address was it for any of the battles.

Member: Clan of the Turdlike People.

Courage is Fear that has said its Prayers

�If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.� Ronald Reagan.