Why don't you just slink back off to your barrio and enjoy your leftist world view and leave everybody alone?

Nobody around here calls it a "barrio", the people are for the most part at least third and fourth-generation Americans. Neither do I have Leftist world views <shrug>

But your further resort to insults is noted, and I will take that as a affirmative that your particular interpretations do indeed represent a minority view.

Doesn't mean they are wrong of course, just in the minority, and which may account for your present unemployment in the field. No slam intended here, I am very much aware of the present intolerance among Academia in general.

I weary of your continual drivel.

You might have a better case if you didn't repeatedly falsely represent my own statements, I can only suppose on purpose. Doesn't that qualify as "drivel"?

Anyways FWIW. some of the most vicious interchanges I have read have been in debates between published Civil War Historians, in particular surrounding Tom Carhart's book "Lost Triumph: Lee's real plan at Gettysburg and why it failed.", which book apparently ruffled some academic egos.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744