Dad had a dart point made out of a piece of quartzite. I believe it came out of a midden in Bell county. It was a rough point!

Nice garden. I had two or three manos laying around here. Dunno what happened to them. I always heard the old story that when a woman died they broke her mano. Dunno who came up with that one.

Oh! Archaeologist son was telling me about a find the other day. I think it was on a state project. Wasn't their firm. Archaic period find. Said they found a child's burial. Had a young bobcat ( little Bigger than a kitten) buried with it. Bobcat had a small stone amulet around its neck.

Ancient Order of the 1895 Winchester

"Come, shall we go and kill us venison?
And yet it irks me the poor dappled fools,
Being native burghers of this desert city,
Should in their own confines with forked heads
Have their round haunches gored."