Mathsr: Your mention of "having to grab" the point right away once spotted reminds me of a quick story of mine from a while back.
I was Hunting Prairie Dogs on a remote ranch in SE Montana and the ranch owner was friendly to me on my yearly visits.
One year he told me of a remote and "Virgin" Dogtown with no ranch roads leading to it.
He gave me the directions and where to park and how far to walk (over a mile) and in which direction.
Next morning I parked and put on my back pack (full of ammo, water, optics, tripod, sand bag and a snack) and grabbed a Rifle for each hand.
It was near the end of my Safari and I was down to two Rifles that I still had ammo for - and sadly they were two Remington 40XB's of the old style with NO sling swivel attachment possibilities.
Oh well I needed the exercise - off I go and my arms got long and tired REAL quick, carrying those heavy Rifles in my hands all the way to this wonderful Dogtown.
I shot the guns dirty and thoroughly enjoyed the long morning Hunt - dreading heading back as now its getting hot.
I pack up and head back and was sweating and tired when I come up out of a dry creek bed and in front of me is an ant hill and on the rim of the cleared off dirt surrounding it is a PERFECT arrowhead laying there shining in the sun!
Not thinking I literally drop both 40X's from my hands onto the scruff ground and jumped ahead onto my knees and latched onto that point - before anyone else could come along and snatch it up from in front of me!
How dumb was that?
I had not seen another soul all that morning and had only seen the rancher in the past three days!
Anyway I soon came to my senses, put the point in my velcro closing shirt pocket and went to inspect the damage I had foolishly inflicted on my beloved Remington Rifles!
Luckily they had landed on cheat grass and soft gumbo dirt there at the crest of that creek bed.
I sometimes am a creature of my impulses I guess.
That perfect point has a place of honor in one of my arrowhead display frames.
And I still check those two Remington 40X's for "damage" every time I take them out for a Varmint Safari.
Lesson learned.
Hold into the wind