I'm still working on it. We were quick to think at first it had a Lost Lake flair to it. However it certainly does not have the beveled left edge flaking. It's worked equally on all edge surfaces.

It's still needle sharp and retains the edge of a serrated steak knife. I found this mixed in with a lot of field rock and red clay. I'm surprised it only has the barbed ears nipped off. The breaks on the barbs, the patina matches the parent surface. I'm thinking this went into an animal, the ears broke as it pushed thru some ribs and the animal ran off and was possibly unrecovered. Thus the reasoning the point was found on a slight rise with 50 yards of the stream.

No was no other debitage in this area, I was only taking a shortcut back to my vehicle.

I have 2 other associates scratching their head over this piece.