Yeah, ground cover here in east Texas is a killer to finding stuff. Not much row cropping to expose it anymore either.

I have some stuff I found over the years. Had a really nice Caddo pipe I found cute little thing had a shallow bowl @ inch in diameter on top of a lump of clay that had a bear?Dog? wolf?something on the front. Back had a hole for a reed stem.

I professor from Steven F Austin that I showed it to talked me into lending it to him to study. I guess he is still studying it because that was forty some years ago and I have never gotten it back.

Ended my co-operation with professional archeologists.

Prize of my modist collection is a clovis type. A couple of archelogy pros that have seen it wanted it bad and said it was authentic. I still have it.

Found a few burials but our Indians were poor as job's turkey. Nothing there but bones. You can see them but you can't excavate them. Touch them and they crumble due to the soil being so acid. I won't tell anybody where they are.


Quando Omni Moritati