Deerhunter, where I have had the most luck is on a hill or raised section of land that is near a river or drain. Like really close to a water source. If it is a likely place that someone might camp today, because it is well drained (won't hold water and get muddy if it rains) and close to water, it has probably been a good place to camp for a long time. Spend a little time looking around. It helps if it is being farmed (think bare dirt). Looking around after a field has been harrowed and it has just rained can really turn them up.

I was turkey hunting last year as a guest on another person's land. I set up in an area at the edge of a field. While I was waiting I noticed the lay of the land, with a hard wood bottom falling off steeply to a small creek. The land at the top of the rise was sandy and relatively level. I thought perfect place for arrowheads. Five feet in front of me in the rut of a road along the edge of the field was the back half of an arrowhead. I found two more on the way to the next spot. Perfect place and I don't have permission to go back and hunt arrowheads, but I'm going to try and get it.

Huntsman22 pretty much summed it up when he said look down. I do when I'm hunting and have found points in some unexpected places. If I'm walking around the edge of a field on a dove hunt or going to a deer stand, I'm looking. If I'm scouting for deer season and walking a firebreak, I'm looking. Sometimes I find something, sometimes I don't.
