These are certainly not pristine. The hand axe is really primitive. A collector told me that could mean one of two things. He believes it's pretty old, but that it wasn't finished. Based on my description of where it was found, he believes it was part of a burial cache. The departed is sent off with some tools to use in the afterlife. Depending on how beloved he was, the tools may be well done, or they may be just so-so. Or, it could be the burial was done in haste and there wasn't time to leave really great tools. In any case, the axe part is pretty sharp, and the tool appears pretty robust. No indication that it was chipped to have a handle.

The point with the broken tip was found in Texas while wandering about on a ranch I was hunting on.

The longer point was discovered by my Daughter while wading in the Meramec river in Missouri.

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