
Recently found a cache of several hundred points of outstanding artifacts. Approx 150 birds, knives & etc. Have no picture posting ability or I would share.

whistle I guess I should tell the complete story. The find was made in an attic where I was buying antiques from an estate. Had bought some from this estate previously and the son of the collector advised at that time his father must have sold the good points. Apparently he had not. Bout had the big one when I pulled the lid off of the first box we found. Great thing about this was most of it was marked what local county that it was found in. Some great stuff, drills and bird points with dalton bases. Four or five nice knives. Was going to sell some to recoup some of my money, but after framing several frames of the best ones, wasn't mutch left to sell. Lucky for me the 50 year old son of the collector is not an artifact person. GW

If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared. MACHIAVELLI