This thread got me all worked up, and I had to get out to the campsite today !! It amazes me, that Indians have been using this campsite for 15,000 years. The small point is a Jetta, it dates back from 5000 to 8000 years. Found the mano today, and half of a metate. Have never found one intact yet. At the top is a nice round scraper, to the left of the mano, is a thumb scraper. Seems like this campsite is going to just keep on giving. I am quite thankful for our recent rains that have uncovered these latest finds. Always find lots of finishing flakes, usually don't bring them to the house, they tend to take over !!!! Although, I do have a Spirit Garden in my front yard that has hundreds of artifacts in it. I love it so.

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If you don't like Robert E. Lee, you won't like it on this ranch. JGM