
Admittedly,I do not know why you are such a Clueless Kchunt,but I reckon it due to the ratio of grey matter,if only as starters. Then there's how "much" you "do". Conjoin outright [bleep] Stupidity with Do Nothingness and shake(or stir) and the results will reliably be a Whining Do Nothing Kchunt,as you so eloquently attest.

I reckon I'm plum flattered,that you felt compelled to come clean to me and reiterate your Do Nothing Dumbfhuckery with a Vagina Monologue Whine,as you crashed through the closet. Congratulations?!? You are doing "great".

Fascinating to me,that your doing your best and falling well shy of even below average,rates in your pinpointed head as making a "stand"?!? Now THAT is some seriously [bleep] funny schit!

Looking forward to your next you stand proud.

Wow +P+!!


Whiners will ALWAYS find reason(s) to Whine.

Ask her what she does for a vocation and a picture of herself,if only to connect them dots.(grin)


Cheer up,I'm afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess and that is reliably hard on Do Nothing Dumbfhucker's Imaginations and Pretend.

You'll wanna take notes and apply same.



Let the gals try and be the first Do Nothing Kchunts to Whine themselves happy.

WTF else can The Do Nothing Gang do...besides Whine?!? Laffin'!

Luckily for them,Imagination and Pretend are free,if only because it's all they've got.(grin)


I cain't know which is funnier,when they Pretend to live..or Pretend to die?!? Tough [bleep] call.



There ain't no slighting her taste in men!


You Whining were gonna "tell" me "all" about your Swifts and their "advantages",what happened?!? Laffin'!

Shut the [bleep] up,take notes and apply same. Thank me later.


Or wax eloquent on your Seven(s).
