
Your Imagination and Pretend were really taking you places,there for a spell and you [bleep] near had a schitty scope for every rifle in the picture. What happened to that epic run?!? Laffin'!

I was on pins & needles regarding your Sillywet glass "particulars" and KNOW it was gonna be funnier than [bleep] too. "Surprisingly" you had a big cup of shut the [bleep] up,in regards to your load "particulars" too and I'll of course yet again feign my "surprise" there.

PLEASE do not let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt...because you "hard chargers" are a [bleep] riot,when you are doing your "best". Bless youyr heart.

Wow +P+!


I simply stated that you are an incredibly clueless dumbfhuck and you seem eager to reiterate that simplistic fact.

Might this be where you Imagine enough Pretend to whip my ass?!? Laffin'! You poor poor clueless kchunt.

You'll haveta pardon my being afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess and take it to the bank,that I'm more than a leetle comfy in discussing water that's long done been flowed under the bridge. So rest assured that I'm all ears in regards to the Swift,Sevens and cameras,as I prolly dabble more than a few wares,so have no "mercy" in regards to your "stand". Laffin'!

Looking forward to your next Whine and yet another installment of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been.

Here's to your [bleep] Imagination and to just how badly you need it.

You go girl!


Speaking of Do Nothing Day Dreaming Clueless Kchunts...what have you almost done lately?!?

Spare no "details".


Jeezus [bleep],from just WHERE do you sorry kchunts comes from?!?