
It's your Imagination,Pretend with it as you please(must).

Kudos on the "hard charging" cartoon avatar.



Well you do indeed flatter yourself,Pretending you'd rate a PM reply or similar from me. THAT is funny schit!

I get quite a kick out of your version of "experience","knowledge" and "results"...founded in the firsthand by "all" you've done,did it with and them locales to boot. Such sage "findings" permeate your illuminating list of particulars,upon which you fluently expound. Laffin'!

You sappy Whining kchunts are enthralled with contrived "attacks",when all that has or can transpire,is that you Do Nothing Dumbfhuqqers find it more than a touch unsettling...that you's Do Nothing Dumbfhuqqers. Laffin'! NOONE "attacks" you stupid [bleep] as well as yourselves,under the auspice of your feigning a [bleep] clue. Really is extraordinary and grandiose sublime humor and I wish to thank you for simply doing your best,as it wouldn't be nearly as [bleep] hilarious,less them pitiful efforts.

Looking forward to the next Whine and more excuses.

Still under the opinion that a Poll or Petition would really take "The Stand" to new levels. Laffin'!

You poor poor dumb kchunts.


As a rule,how long does it take for your Pretend to become "real" to you?!? Laffin'!

Might I suggest you state that you "don't care",to further punctuate your Hissy Fit?!? Always a GREAT move to stomp your itty-bitty feet and hold your breath too. Phantom PM's are popular too. Laffin'!

You are doing "great" with "The Stand".

I'm [bleep] cryin'...I'm laughing so hard!!!