Originally Posted by irfubar
I understand you want to be Boxers groupie, but this is serious!
Boxer has "issues" and needs help!
Good grief do you want to help him or enable his sickness?
Were is your compassion for your fellow man!
Step up and become part of the solution and not the problem!! smile


Be SURE to tell yourself,those things you most need to hear. Or perhaps here. Laffin'! "Were" was a nice touch and you incredibly stupid dumbfhuqqers wonder why noone can make you look like a bigger pieces of do nothing schit,than you can?!? Wow!

You are doing "great" and rockin' hell outta that cartoon avatar. GOOD call to run right the [bleep] away,from all things The Rifle and Whine instead.

Bless your heart



It ain't lookin' good......

It's lookin' REAL [bleep] good.(grin)