Boxer, you're such a kidder. I'm not smooching your keester. What good would that do me? I hope you have a happy and safe new year my friend.

For those of you who have not had the exposure to Boxer and his expletive laden discourse, when none is called for, that some of the rest of us have, you have to look at his input through the prism of his technique and his motives. Specifically, his delivery is in the mold of the liberal media elite and elite liberal politicians/personalities like Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein, Boxer (Barbara), Obama, etc.

Just hear me out. How do the liberal media elite and elite liberal politicians get their way? When someone opposes them or, even worse, has a differing opinion, they shout them down, they call them names, and they mischaracterize what the other side has said. They make false assumptions of the other side and present it as fact. If you all go back and look at his prior posts you will see that this is exactly what Boxer does. He�s not a bad guy. It�s just that he needs to do this to compensate for any insecurity he has. So, he means well, he just needs work on his delivery. Read what he has to ad by eliminating the colorful adjectives, incorrect personal pronouns and his mischaracterization of what someone else has said and the motives for what others have said and there really is some good information in there.

I�ll give you an example: If he does respond to this post, as opposed to it being characterized as my opinion, it will be whining. I will be referred to by an incorrect gender pronoun (he/she/her). And, because of disagreement with my �opinion�, not only will my opinion be wrong; but, my intellect and possibly my ancestry will be called into question and I will be labeled with a bunch of colorful adjectives and Boxer-created nouns and verbs. It�s colorful and entertaining; but, in knowing all of this it is easier to weed through the extraneous filler and grasp those nuggets of intellect, positive input and, yes, even some wisdom Boxer often provides. Because, at times, he does.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck