Nope,this is all new to me and I appreciate your keen insight and attention to detail. Laffin'!

So the 700 rail doesn't get shortened,when you hack the ass offa it to mount it to the Seven? GOOD trick there. You poor poor dumbfhuckk. Which bitchin' Weaver rail,are you using to hack,but not shorten? Re-laffin'! Perhaps say sumptin' in conjunction about your killer mount,killer rings and killer glass and how you've had exceptionally good luck with long/lanky 1" tubes holding a zero in your "hard charging" pursuits and in regards to the 6-18X in particular,as they's famously rugged. Re-re-laffin'!

The level is awesome too. Laffin'!

Is 2.875" now 2.910" and is that a function of pre or post-hack? Laffin'! How many do it hold in the belly,as this is all new ground to me. Re-laffin'! sure would be nice to see pics of an amazingly well "thought out" machine like that in action,I bet you've whacked alotta good schit with that incredible platform?!?


Where do you amazingly stupid dumbfhuckks come from,in all your Turd Polishing Glory?!?

Wow +P+!

You're doing great!