This incident reminds of a group of urban motorcyclists in NYC who kinda did something similar - only on a much larger scale. The motorcyclists are like a pack of baboons - phoucking animals.

It is NYC so no surprises....

The driver of the SUV was trying to merge onto the highway and the motorcyclists were blocking the entire hwy (looked to be the result of one the motorcyclists at the head of the whole group getting into an accident with a different car). One of those motorcyclists near the accident got aggressive because the SUV driver was honking his horn (or something to that effect) and rushed back to the SUV trying to open the door. The SUV raced off and hit/bumped one of the bikers. Then the whole biker group (maybe 20+ ), chased and surrounded the SUV again and proceeded to trash the SUV.

Here's a video - the fun starts @ 4:45

That is one reason why the 2nd Amendment was adopted. This incident is excellent example of when the SUV driver needed to have deployed an AR to defend himself, his family and his property.