I really have to laugh at the guys defending the youths on bikes. They followed the guy in the truck and the rider who got his ass kicked, was wanting a reaction, he was begging for one. He got it. More than he possible hoped for. The truck guy kicked his ass, luckily truck guy had friends who showed up or he may have been fighting the whole bunch.
I laugh because I continually read about what dudes say they would do in similar circumstance with other youths who have no respect and or courtesy.
This young fellow learned a lesson, as did those riding with him. He didn't get shot or stabbed to death for his wanting a reaction, he got an Okie ass whooping. Other places he would not have been so fortunate, someone to old or to scared would have run him over or shot him through the window. Easy Rider comes to mind,

If your a leftist, whatever Donald Trump says or does, that pisses you off rest assured, I am a Happy Camper!