Originally Posted by xarcher
This is a case study of the perfect storm of stupidity

1. If the truck driver cut off the motorcyclists - stupid
2. If the motorcyclists were not respectful of others on the highway or got pissed off unnecessarily - stupid
3. Motorcyclists following the driver for 14 miles - stupid
4. The truck driver allowing this to escalate with his family in the cab - stupid
5. Nobody called 911 - stupid (probably because both parties were already in the act of doing something stupid)
6. The truck driver calling his militia to set up a road block - stupid
7. Brother stepping out of the truck with a gun - stupid
8. Big old boy threatening violence - stupid
9. College boys with a pack mentality - stupid
10. Anybody in this group thinking there would not be video - stupid

Whole lotta stupid goin' on 'round heah!

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.