Good stuff here.
I like this part about where if you are taking a long shot you have no time for a scope adjustment ... however you DO have time to count 'horns'.
Now, is a 'horn' a point on an antler or do ranch elk have 'horns'?

Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
You don't have that time to "check and click click'ing" when they are 300-500 yards across a small valley walking through openings on the opposite ridge from you...I guarantee you. I can put you in places where you'd miss the Bull of a lifetime if you had to go through the regiment you just described.

While you are check and click click'ing, a man with a 350 yd zero rifle is putting the crosshairs on the boiler room and pulling the trigger. By the time you get through check and click click'ing, that Bull just might have walked behind trees in a heavy covered area on the side of that ridge, and you can't/won't see him walking off through the trees...never to be seen again during your hunt.

I know of what I'm talking about. I hunt a ranch as I just described. There's a reason you count horns with your scope in certain hunting environments.

I think Country_20boy got his money's worth of free advice.
Most of us mountain states cupcakes still actually use a rangefinder, we haven't mastered that 350 yd zero thing, and most of us have only killed a dozen or few dozen elk.
Heck, most of us probably don't even hold out for that 300+ score bull.
If ElkSlayer91 hadn't chimed in you would be picking up all these bad habits.
And as a bonus we all learned the real reason for blaze orange and that Colorado would go broke if it were not for Texas.