Part Second;
We'd just moved on from the grouse mom and chicks when we spotted this cow moose and put the stalk on her. She turned and gave us "the look" and I says to daughter, "if she comes, we run" She starts giggling and says, "I'll open the truck for you and be waiting inside long, LONG before you get there." laugh
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We usually have at least a pair of fawns born at our place every spring. This was that year's yard twins.
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This guy was eating kinnickinnick the same morning as the big old black bear I posted earlier. I felt better sneaking close to him...
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These guys nest up in some of the higher creeks and rivers. I think they're about as nice a looking duck as we have out here.
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The goat in the center isn't zoomed in on purpose - I was trying to show the country these chaps hang out in. It's really crazy sometimes where they'll just saunter about.
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I commute along a lake and often see these guys swimming, but not so often up where I can get a shot of them, though it was early and a bit blurred in the low light.
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Thanks again and all the best to you all.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"