Originally Posted by Beaver10
Ok, dog that’s funny...Has the wife been checked for cataracts? Magnetic personality and such, only gets you so far brotha...😎

Pretty sure she wouldn’t shoot as well as she does if she had bad eyes.... she clearly sees me as a “fixer upper”... and a pretty kick-ass roadie.

She punched all her tags this year... bull elk, antelope buck, and a mule deer buck. The mule deer was pretty funny, she was up hunting solo, and I got a text at about 3:30 that afternoon: “shot a buck, dropped a pin in OnX, come help” was lal it said. I looked at the pin.... and it was several miles from the trail head... and it was about an hour until dark. By the time I got there, she had the buck all quartered out... and hauled up to the ridge. The girl is a bad ass... not too many gals will smile while sporting a 70+ lb pack.

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You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......