In order...

Dog, I may have been listening to some “Cat Scratch Fever” and channeling Ted. No drugs were used during this unfortunate project 😎

OE, I like the V6, but I haven’t had the opportunity to get it to my mountain top range to see how it handles recoil of the 28N and dialing.
I will update you on what I think....And, thanks for not “Dog Piling” on my flair for artistic freedom and expression 🌈🦄🌈😎

Elkhunter, Does your professional looking stock paint job make me feel better? Sure, if you trade me my stock for yours. Rem700 footprint, I hope. I don’t even know why I ask after your health. You’re obviously too sick to recognize talent. You’re still a Dick 😳😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”