Originally Posted by dogwater
Before I try to sell anything I check buds and grab a gun or some of the good retailers on line. I try to price well under them. Why would someone buy my used gun for close to or the same as they can get a new one.? I see a lot of guys pricing a used gun at or above what a new one is selling for, then complain about cheap people who won't buy it. You have to figure everyone one the fire can probably use Google. It's just an educated marketplace.

Trade in a gun at a gun store and you can expect to get 70-75% of the retail price of a new one, unless you have a very unusual, rare or special run of something.

Here, sellers expect to get 110% of the new price, I guess because 'they' owned it makes it special.

Imagine a corporate oligarchy so effective, so advanced and fine tuned that its citizens still call it a democracy.